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HP ProBook 445 G10

RRP from £699.00 (inc. VAT)
From £29.13 per month *
*Based on a 24 month payment term

Product Features

  • Optimised for hybrid work
  • Tested for durability
  • Performance for growing business
  • Long battery life

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Price breakdown
RRP (inc. VAT): You're paying: Estimated NI Saving*:
£699.00 £622.11 £76.89
Calculate savings * Estimated savings based on a salary of £18,000

Product information

Optimized for hybrid work

Look your best wherever you work with enhanced camera features and lighting adjustments

Tested for durability

Passed 19 MILSTD tests for durability and easily serviceable helping make the most of your IT investment

Performance for growing business

Keep up with demanding tasks with the AMD CPU, long battery life, and upgradeable memory and storage

Technical specifications

See individual product for specification

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With Techbenefits, you experience the joy of new technology in exchange for a small monthly salary contribution. There’s no deposit, no credit check, no interest and no waiting.

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